It is a very simple CAPTCHA, consisting of text which is a uniform size and colour against a white background with some noise (pixels, colours, lines) thrown in. The solution was to add lines and colours and generally mess up the text in the image you are asking the human to decode to try and confuse the program. A simple Google search will list thousands of articles which have new techniques and algorithms for identifying text. You might think that such a CAPTCHA is difficult to decode because of this noise, however I will show that it can easily be removed. Slings, c-ring and u-shaped panels are those which might be widely used. By investigating values in ongoing processes of extending and maintaining the IndieWeb I have identified ways they are employed in changing circumstances. Ultimately, owning one’s data in the context of the IndieWeb refers to the ability to preserve a copy of that data, and to make sure that the data can remain accessible. I do not condone the use or act of ethical or unethical "hacking" nor circumvention of copy protection etc… For the purposes of this example I am going to use colour extraction. The use of this code for any unethical or illegal purposes is not condoned by myself nor any other person(s) mentioned in this article.
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